Customers give Relined a grade of 8.5!

Relined considers customer evaluations extremely important. What’s good, what’s not, what can be improved? What do our customers expect? In what ways are we meeting expectations or just not yet? What sets us apart in a positive fashion? And what do our customers think of our provision of services? We asked these questions again this year and we’re pleased to share the 2021 results with you.

Customers graded us with an 8.5!

We are proud to relate that our customers value our services highly. With an 8.5 for customer satisfaction on the final report, we’re ending 2021 – a great year! Despite the corona epidemic, we remained close to our customers. Not in a physical sense, of course, but by using alternative forms of communication, we made sure that our customers still appreciate us and that new parties also know how to find us, providing them the necessary assurance to purchase their IT foundation from us.

Customer satisfaction - Relined Fiber Network

NPS score of 42.9%

The NPS score reflects the global picture when it comes to loyalty and growth through word-of-mouth advertising. Looking at our NPS score, we note that it’s far above the average. A 20% score is considered very good; a score of 50% is considered excellent. According to research by Integron, the average score In the IT sector is 26%. So with a score of 42.9%, we can certainly conclude that we have been able to win a large group of ambassadors for our organisation.

 NPS-Score | Relined Fiber Network


There is also room for improvement, of course. Even though we score very well on each component, there are always points that we can improve and we seize these as opportunities for further development. We value every customer and we’re looking for a score of 8 (or more) from every customer. For example, we continuously invest in the training and development of our employees in all kinds of areas, and we give each project and every customer our highest priority. We work continuously on our network and we strive to keep disruptions and maintenance to a minimum.

We are connecting YOU.

We would like to thank all of our customers who participated in this study. Both for evaluating our service, and for all the written feedback that contributes to the improvement of our organisation.

Customer satisfaction - feedback customers