The reason why unlocking dark fibre is more relevant than ever.

The digital economy is growing at an unprecedented rate. Data usage will increase exponentially over the next ten years. What do we have available to build a strong IT foundation that will support that growing digital economy and match its pace? ‘Dark fibre’ is the answer.

The Netherlands has 250,000 kilometres of fibre-optic cable buried underground. Not all those kilometres of fibre-optic cable are actually in operation. A great deal of valuable fibre-optic cable capacity lies unused and remains unlit. The installation of new and redundant fibre-optic networks slows digitisation and is seen as undesirable since an equally effective connection can often be achieved by linking unused capacity in existing networks. That is exactly what Relined Fiber Network does, by ‘connecting the dots’. We establish the desired connection by connecting up unused capacity in existing fibre-optic networks.

Fast, scalable and secure

Unlit fibre-optic networks offer opportunities for setting up fast and scalable connections and have the capacity to transport huge amounts of data. Fibre-optic connections are also a good starting point when you need to protect your data transmissions and systems against cyber attacks. Especially in the case of organisations that work with confidential data on a daily basis, dark fibre allows full in-house control when setting up and securing the network. For example, encryption can be added at the earliest and most fundamental level, i.e. in the physical layer. Companies can improve their productivity and efficiency with a fast, scalable and secure connection, and serve their customers better as a result. This can facilitate an entry into a new market and create new business opportunities.

Fibre is the backbone of our digital economy

Fibre-optic networks form the backbone of our digital economy. With the fast and reliable connection that fibre-optic networks provide, we can roll out new technologies such as 5G, Edge computing, IoT, Cloud Computing and AI. This also brings the development of the ‘smart city’, in which all devices and infrastructure are connected together via the Internet, a step closer.

Dark fibre is the key to optimal digital infrastructure. Relined Fiber is the largest independent provider of unused fibre-optic capacity. Both nationally and internationally.


Discover the power of dark fibre.

Call +31 (0)347 358 010 or send an email to We look forward to discussing how we can help you set up your own dark fibre network.