Dark Fibre network Rotterdam – Delft

NorthC Delft, Smart DC Rotterdam, NorthC Zestienhoven and Bytesnet now available with competitive rates and fast delivery

To what degree is your organisation dependent on IT infrastructure? More and more companies depend strongly on the capabilities and reliability of their IT infrastructure for their daily business operations. There is no business process that does not use network applications.

All this data must be routed and stored via stable and secure connections. Relined helps with this.

Data center in Rotterdam

Rotterdam has become an important internet hub due to its strategic location in the center of Europe, its strong infrastructure, and its commitment to digital innovation. The port city is home to many internet service providers as well as a several data centers, which are connected to our network.

The number of companies that use data centres in Rotterdam for their IT/hosting/cloud platform is steadily increasing. The connections needed for this must be reliable and optimally scalable. The solution: Dark Fiber.

Using a Dark Fiber network ensures continuity of service for end users. With Dark Fiber, organisations can always count on a secure, fast, stable, reliable and scalable connection.

A dedicated Dark Fiber network

We have our own Dark Fibre network in Rotterdam. NorthC Delft, Smart DC Rotterdam, NorthC Zestienhoven and Bytesnet now available with competitive rates and fast delivery.

We deliver your data centre connection in Rotterdam for a competitive and fixed metropolitan rate. So you always know where you stand and what costs you will incur. Furthermore, we deliver your data centre connection in 1 to 3 weeks in most cases.

What does a dedicated Dark Fiber network mean for your organization?

  • Secure connections
  • Network reliability and continuity
  • Speed
  • Scalability



Reliable data centre connections in Rotterdam

Connecting your data centre connection to a Relined metropolitan network gives you several advantages. In addition to contributing our ideas and experience to come up with solutions to your network problems, we also offer the following:

  • The shortest possible route and the least possible level of attenuation
  • Redundant connection
  • Separate building entrances

Finally, we lay our cable to the data centre’s Meet Me Room (MMR): the place where all connectivity comes together. From here, via the data centre, you can route an internal patch to your own equipment and start using the fibre-optic infrastructure.

Advantages of our metronetwork

We deliver your data centre connection in Rotterdam for a competitive and fixed metropolitan rate. So you always know where you stand and what costs you will incur. Furthermore, we deliver your data centre connection in 1 to 3 weeks in most cases.

Contact one of our account managers and make an appointment.

Dark Fibre network Rotterdam

Insight into our Rotterdam data centre network

Disclaimer: Relined Fiber Network’s network is under constant development. As a result, recent completed connections are not visible on the network map.

Cooperating networks

No network in your region? In these cases, we work with local and regional networks applying the same high network requirements.

ILA sites

Regenerator equipment can be placed with Relined at strategic locations in the country. Virtually all of our locations have optimum security.

Data centres

Our network is constantly developing. We regularly connect new, well-secured data centres (redundantly) to our network. There are now more than 120 of these!