The key to optimising your IT infrastructure and digital resilience

In recent decades, digital technologies – including the internet, social media and artificial intelligence – have dramatically changed our society. While these technological advances offer countless opportunities, they also bring significant threats. In this rapidly evolving digital world, how can we balance taking opportunities with managing risks? Read on to discover how your organisation can adapt and protect itself in the digital age.

Digitisation brings benefits

The digitisation of our world has brought undeniable benefits. Global communication via the digital highway has significantly enriched our lives, and the emergence of big data and smart devices has greatly increased our ability to understand and predict. These technological advances offer a wealth of information and convenience, and allow us to make connections that were previously impossible.

Dependence on digital technology is growing

But these benefits are also accompanied by new dangers. Our growing dependence on digital technology makes us more vulnerable to cyber attacks from spies and hackers, using increasingly sophisticated digital routes. Moreover, storing personal data on servers of foreign companies raises security and privacy concerns. In response to these threats, the European Union has made significant efforts to strengthen our digital privacy, autonomy, infrastructure and cybersecurity.

These developments highlight the need for organisations to continuously optimise their IT infrastructure and strengthen their digital resilience. How do you optimise your IT infrastructure and strengthen your organisation’s digital resilience?

Step 1:
identifying organisational needs

A thorough analysis of organisational needs is the first step in optimising your IT infrastructure. This includes considering various aspects, such as bandwidth, continuity and redundancy, security, connection type, and compliance with laws and regulations. In addition, data classification plays an important role in determining the value and importance of different types of data, affecting decisions such as storage, connection type and the level of redundancy required.

These aspects form the necessary basis for ensuring a secure, reliable and compliant IT infrastructure, which at the same time is flexible enough to adapt to changing organisational needs and the evolution of the digital landscape.

Step 2:
selecting the right connectivity solutions

After identifying organisational needs, choosing the right connectivity solutions is a crucial next step. Connection ownership, access management, risk of damage, and the number of users play a fundamental role in this choice.

Step 3:
implementing and evaluating the IT infrastructure

Careful identification of organisational needs and choosing the appropriate connectivity solutions are followed by implementation and ongoing evaluation of the IT infrastructure. This phase requires a strong focus on digital resilience, ensuring a secure and reliable infrastructure by using clear processes and responsibilities to ensure that the infrastructure continues to meet current and future organisational needs.

Following these steps meticulously and carefully weighing up all factors will create a robust IT infrastructure that meets all requirements and security standards. It is essential to consistently evaluate and adapt your IT landscape according to the latest technological innovations, emerging security risks and evolving laws and regulations, with the aim of strengthening digital security and supporting your organisation’s continuous development in a rapidly digitising world.

More information

To ensure an optimum set up of an organisation’s IT infrastructure in today’s digital world, it is crucial to clearly identify all the needs and requirements. In the article (including checklist) below, we take a closer look at how to draw up a roadmap for setting up your IT infrastructure that will enable your organisation to cope with the challenges while making the most of the opportunities of the current and future digital era.

Download checklist

Download below a comprehensive guide, including a checklist, that will help you as an IT manager to tackle this process in a structured and orderly way.